Thursday, 13 July 2017

national archives at kew

the national archive in  Kew is definitely worth a visit for anyone interested in their own family history or a specific area of history.

I have been able today on my visit to view the 1939 index and locate Lord William Beauchamp Nevill's Widow , Lady Luisa Nevill and find the name of her staff.

the 1939 index is similar to a census and taken at the start of the 2nd world war so everybody could be issued with a national identity card. whereas the census for this period are still closed (and will be for 100 years from date of origin) this is available to the public. normally you have to pay but at Kew it is free. the documents can be printed as well on A3 for only 30p

I also managed to locate some great aunts in Birmingham!

the documents I ordered to view and handle were related to the bankruptcy of Lord William's brother Lord Richard Plantagenet Nevill.
I have this picture in my collection on my living room wall. He was undertaking diplomatic work in America at the time the picture was taken
It was such a thrill to see his signature and I learned a lot about the circumstances of his bankruptcy. notably that he openly attributed it to "extravagance of living"

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Famous next door neighbours!

privileged to be researching at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London . Whilst I was researching a number of topics I did however make quite an exciting discovery that Lord William Beauchamp Nevills next door neighbour was in fact a famous historian . William Nevill lived most of his life at 37 Onslow Gardens in Kensington and at number 38 Onslow Gardens there lived the historian William Lecky !

William Edward Hartpole LeckyOM (26 March 1838 – 22 October 1903) was an Irish historian, essayist, and political theorist .  William's major work was an eight-volume History of England during the Eighteenth Century.
 Onslow Gardens in Kensington where Lord William Beauchamp Nevill lived

 down the road at  number 24 lived the Prime Minister Andrew Bonar Law ! prime minister in 1922 ,he lived at 24 Onslow Gardens from 1858 till 1925 .

 One of the things I am now going to look into is the possibility of having a blue plaque put up outside number 37 Onslow Gardens to show the world that Lord William Beauchamp Nevill, prison reformer lived here.

Monday, 10 July 2017

The tablet

 Lord William Beauchamp Neville converted to listen to them in his early 20s . One of the best resources that any catholic research is The tablet. The adverts however show that living a catholic lifestyle meant not giving up certain and earthly pleasures as you can see!